Block Forensics: An In-Depth Analysis of the Normie Memecoin Incident

4 min readJun 29, 2024


Welcome to another article in our new series ‘Block Forensics,’ where we analyze some of the most interesting hacks in blockchain. Our second post dives into the Normie Memecoin Hack, providing a detailed overview of the exploit.


Normie Token is a well known memecoin deployed on Base, an Ethereum optimistic rollup created to improve Ethereum scalability and transaction throughput while leveraging its security and decentralization. Before the exploit, NORMIE was among the top meme coins on Base with nearly 90,000 token holders.
Normie has no intrinsic value and its price follows only the market hype guided by the existing community around the project.
On May 26, 2024 Normie was hacked losing 99% of its price and 40 million dollars in market cap in few hours, causing a huge profit for the attacker which later decided to return the 90% of the stolen funds keeping only 10% for him as a bug bounty.

Deep Dive

Let’s break down the incident to understand what happened. Those are the main entities involved in the incident:

The attacker who exploited the contract leveraged a vulnerability in the contract’s code that allowed him to mint unlimited supply of Normie tokens.
Indeed, inside the Normie token contract the transfer function checks whether the current transfer is a buy operation from the pair and if so it will mint new tokens to the Normie Contract if the recipient has a special role, namely it’s a “premarket user”. This essentially mints new Normie tokens to the Normie contract itself when users are buying from the pair since the sender and recipient balances are updated separately as you can see from the following code.

function _transfer(
address sender,
address recipient,
uint256 amount
) private returns (bool) {
... // code
if (
isMarketPair[sender] &&
!isExcludedFromFee[recipient] &&
premarket_user[recipient] // checks that the recipient is a "premarket user"
) {
_balances[address(this)] = _balances[address(this)].add(amount); // contract balance is increased
... // code
_balances[sender] = _balances[sender].sub(
"Insufficient Balance"
); // sender balance decreased
uint256 finalAmount = (isExcludedFromFee[sender] ||
? amount
: takeFee(sender, recipient, amount);
if (checkWalletLimit && !isWalletLimitExempt[recipient])
require(balanceOf(recipient).add(finalAmount) <= _walletMax);
_balances[recipient] = _balances[recipient].add(finalAmount); // recipient balance increased
_get_premarket_user(recipient, amount); // VUlNERABLE POINT
emit Transfer(sender, recipient, finalAmount);
return true;


As shown in above snippet a call to get_premarket_user() is made. That function is supposed to check caller permissions: if the caller is a "premarket_user" then it should exist in premarket_user[] mapping.

function _get_premarket_user(address _address, uint256 amount) internal {
premarket_user[_address] = !premarket_user[_address]
? (amount == balanceOf(teamWalletAddress))
: premarket_user[_address];

The problem is that if the caller is not already a “premarket user”, such role is granted to him by only ensuring that the transfer amount is exactly the same of the amount of tokens in the teamWalletAddress. Since balances are public, all the work that an attacker done was to call the transfer function the first time to transfer the same amount of tokens of the teamWalletAddress in order to give to his attacker contract the premarket_user role.

Once gained such privilege, using again the transfer function, he was able to mint new Normie tokens to the Normie Contract and sell them on the market triggering the swapAndLiquify() mechanism, causing the token price to dump. Indeed, as later stated by the attacker himself, he only profited by the price change: " None of the minted tokens went to me, I simply profited from the price change due to the dump (using a flash loan to sell it short)."

Leveraging the attacker contract he was able to withdraw a huge amount of ETH through several transactions using the same sequence of operations:

  • transfer a small amount of ETH (usually 1 or 2) from attacker account to the malicious contract . Example txn here.
  • invoke a function with selector 0xbc43d77c on the malicious contract swapping transferred ETH to Normie tokens on Sushi Swap. Example txn here.
  • invoke a function with selector 0x4b293bf9 on the malicious contract swapping the received Normie tokens on the Normie/WETH pool gaining profit. Example txn here and a diagram that helps visualizing fund flows.
  • call a function named withdraw() to transfer back the profited ETH from the malicious contract to the attacker address

After repetead the above process several times, the attacker then moved stolen funds to a temporary address. Then he offered to return the 90% of the stolen funds to reimburse Normie holders and keep the other 10% for him as a bounty only if the dev team accepted to refund Normie token holders with the ETH they gained through swapAndLiquify() mechanism.

Normie dev team accepted the hacker’s offer and on June 6 a new version of the contract was deployed at 0x47b464edb8dc9bc67b5cd4c9310bb87b773845bd.

Finally Normie dev team started refunding incident victims and the attacker returned the 90% of the stolen funds (192 ETHs).


We hope you’ve gained some insights into the complexities of the Normie Memecoin Hack and the broader implications for DeFi security.
Note that projects that forked Normie’s code are vulnerable to the same exploit. A list of similar contracts can be found on TokenSniffer here.
Stay tuned for more articles of ‘Block Forensics’, where we’ll continue to dissect the mechanics behind the most intriguing and impactful breaches in blockchain.




Oxford-based blockchain and zero knowledge consultancy and auditing firm